Dear Carlos & Laurie:
At B.N.M. Piloting Services we had tried to get a simple loan from a bank for the longest time. I can’t remember how many times we applied. All banks said basically the same thing: “Nice company… come back next year.” Big waste of time.
It turns out that our problem was that our oilfield services business is a strictly service business. We don’t have a big parcel of land, buildings or heavy machinery, and even though our financials were reasonably good, we did not have 3 years of track record to show. (I put everything I personally had on the table for a personal line of credit… but our company was growing and we needed more.)
So we were in a catch 22. We needed money to grow (huge demand for our oilfield services), but no bank would help us until we were doing at least a few million dollars in sales. I’m not quite sure how they expected us to get there without more working capital. (I don’t think that the fact that I’m a female business owner had any impact on their decision.) That’s just the way banks function.
And then we met you through a friend of mine who recommended your services and said you would be the answer to our prayers! In our very first conversation I noticed that you not only understood our situation, but also the Oil & Gas trade.
Capital Solutions has been an invaluable help. Knowing that we can tackle any job—no matter what the size—without concerns of getting into a cash flow choke is a huge relief for me. We have grown our business exponentially thanks to you. I can now probably qualify for a traditional line of credit (…but I’m not sure I want to).
In the meantime, on behalf of my staff, myself (and all our new clients that we are now able to help), thank you so, so much for your dedication and customer service.
Talk to you soon!
Ms. Brenda and Mr. Mark Neufeld
B.N.M. Piloting Services, Inc.