Category Archives: Business finance

Vintage bank

These 5 Things Could Cause Your Cash Flow Problems

According to the SBA, a company’s chances of survival is about 50 percent in the first five years. Babson University’s 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report says the top two reasons for going out of business are problems getting financing and business isn’t profitable. These two affected more than half of the businesses.

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Schickard calculator customer math

How Much Is Your Valuable Client Actually Worth?

How much should you spend to get new customers? When a deal or promotion opportunity comes your way that brings in new clients and grow your business, how do you figure out whether the deal will pay off?

Your gut feeling may have come through for you in the past. You let it dictate how much is just right, too much, or too little. What you think costs too much may end up bringing in more customers and profit than you expect.

Without knowing a client’s lifelong value, it’ll be impossible to determine whether an acquisition cost is too high or too low.

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MCA loans like mafia

How to Cure Your Addiction to Merchant Cash Advance

Have you heard of payday loans? You’d never consider such an option because it’d drain your resources, right? Merchant cash advance and business cash advances are like payday loans except they target businesses.

Thousands and thousands of business owners are stuck with MCA. To attract B2B companies, some MCA providers call it Business Cash Advance. An MCA may sound like a great idea, but it isn’t when you look at the full picture of how it works.

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financing back office support

5 Ways This Is Better Than a Bank Loan or Line of Credit

Before you consider going to a bank for a small business loan or line of credit, you might want to explore another option. A better one because it’s money that already belongs to you. The money you get from the flexible financing is invoice financing, which gives you the cash flow you need to pay expenses and grow your business. It’s also known as factoring and accounts receivables financing.

Accounts receivables are open invoices that haven’t been paid. It’s money a company is owed after delivering the product or service. Clients may take 30, 60, 90, or more days to pay the invoice. Some companies speed this process with flexible financing from a factor. The factor — a third party company — buys your invoices and gives you cash as soon as you submit them.

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Rocky cash flow

How Late Payment of Invoices Are a Danger to Your Small Business

Cash flow makes or breaks a small business. If you don’t have the cash to pay expenses and make payroll, then your business can’t survive. Simply put: no cash, no business. This can and does happen even if you have all the customers you want and talented employees who do their jobs well.

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MCA like sharks

Why Merchant Cash Advance Actually Hurts Cash Flow

On the TV show “Shark Tank,” business owners typically ask for funding in exchange for equity. When a product catches the eye of Kevin “Mr. Wonderful” O’Leary, he likes to counter with a complicated deal consisting of royalties and fees. Sometimes royalty in perpetuity comes attached to the offer. Smarter entrepreneurs turn him down flat because it takes away money they could reinvest in the business.

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Bank drive-thru

What You Need to Know About Small Business Loans

I’ve been with my local bank since I was a teen. While opening a bank account isn’t too exciting, the exciting part was the thought of being able to write checks to pay for things. (Not anymore!) Recently, I emailed my bank contact to request a debit card who sent a friendly reply. After a little back and forth, she said she knew of me. How? I lived an hour away from the bank, so all my transactions were online or by mail.

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