Category Archives: Working capital solutions

Working capital management for business

What You Need to Know Before Asking for Financing

Before meeting with a prospect, you’d do your homework. You can look up the prospect on LinkedIn to study the person’s background. Look for connections and things you have in common. Go to the prospect’s company website and read up. Identify their mission and what problems they solve. Check out their clients to get an idea of what types of companies they serve.

Doing your homework can give you the upper hand in landing the prospect.

It can also help when you’re searching for working capital to scale your services and take on bigger opportunities that will grow your business.

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Working capital management junk mail

This Is Not the Answer to Your Cash Flow Problems

I received a letter from a company that provides small business loans and financing. This company had been on my radar because of their less than stellar reputation.

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Rocky cash flow

How Late Payment of Invoices Are a Danger to Your Small Business

Cash flow makes or breaks a small business. If you don’t have the cash to pay expenses and make payroll, then your business can’t survive. Simply put: no cash, no business. This can and does happen even if you have all the customers you want and talented employees who do their jobs well.

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small business loan bank

Get a Small Business Loan or Working Capital Without a Big Bank

Many small businesses avoid seeking loans, but not for the reasons you think. According to a Sageworks survey, business owners opt not to pursue small business loans because they don’t want to take on debt (62 percent) or think they won’t get approved (24 percent).

Data from the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) shows that small business lending — for loans less than $1 million — has dropped between 2008 and 2012. It has yet to see improvement since.

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7 Ways to Increase Cash Flow Without New Clients

A company’s executives came across excessive cell phone bills, so they asked their manager to review the bills. Naturally, the first thing most people thought was that some employees may be abusing their cell phones to make personal calls. That wasn’t the case.

After doing a little detective work, the manager figured out that the high phone bills resulted from employees having different usage needs and working in different locations. One employee, a frequent traveler, racked up roaming charges whenever he traveled to another country. The company found a better plan to fit the employee’s usage and cut the bill by more than half.

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Do I Need Working Capital for My Business?

Businesses often think they need to borrow money when they shouldn’t. Still, there are times when it’s a good move to get working capital financing, especially when it contributes to growing the business.

A bank approving an application for a loan isn’t a sign that a business needs it. All it indicates is that the bank believes the business can pay back the line of credit or loan. That’s their main goal regardless of how it affects your business.

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How To Understand Working Capital Needs

Working capital is the money your business uses to pay for day-to-day expenses. Eventually, every business runs short on occasion and will need a business line of credit or working capital funding to fill in the gaps.

This post discusses how to figure working capital so you can decide if your business needs working capital funding from an outside source. Continue reading

How to Improve Cash Flow without Drastically Changing Your Business to Survive the Recession

The good news is that we’re technically out of the recession. The bad news is, money is still not falling out of the sky.

Every business and every market goes through fluctuations. Whether it’s a competitor opening down the street or a country-wide shift in the marketplace, the tide can turn on your business at any time, and frequently does.

But there are plenty of things you can do other than grin and bear market changes. The way you structure your cash flow can make a HUGE impact on your business’ immunity to market fluctuations.
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The killer within your business … is you

When you think of things that could bring down your business, you probably think about outside forces such as too few customers, rising materials costs, or overbearing government regulation. But did you know that internal cash management issues are the primary reason most businesses fail?

Who’s in charge of internal cash management? You are. Continue reading