Tag Archives: working capital management
Working capital management for business

What You Need to Know Before Asking for Financing

Before meeting with a prospect, you’d do your homework. You can look up the prospect on LinkedIn to study the person’s background. Look for connections and things you have in common. Go to the prospect’s company website and read up. Identify their mission and what problems they solve. Check out their clients to get an idea of what types of companies they serve.

Doing your homework can give you the upper hand in landing the prospect.

It can also help when you’re searching for working capital to scale your services and take on bigger opportunities that will grow your business.

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Cash management lemonade stand

What You Actually Need to Know About Small Business Cash Management

A small business can make a profit and yet keep running out of money. Profit does not mean a business has positive cash flow. It’s natural to think a profitable business has cash on hand when profit means financial gain. However, financial reports can show profit without money in the bank.

Without cash, a small business can become insolvent, unable to pay its employees and bills. In “What I’m Still Learning About Managing Cash Flow” from the NY Times, Jay Goltz explains how a company can show profit without having cash on hand.

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Working capital management junk mail

This Is Not the Answer to Your Cash Flow Problems

I received a letter from a company that provides small business loans and financing. This company had been on my radar because of their less than stellar reputation.

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