Category Archives: Flexible financing

Cash management lemonade stand

What You Actually Need to Know About Small Business Cash Management

A small business can make a profit and yet keep running out of money. Profit does not mean a business has positive cash flow. It’s natural to think a profitable business has cash on hand when profit means financial gain. However, financial reports can show profit without money in the bank.

Without cash, a small business can become insolvent, unable to pay its employees and bills. In “What I’m Still Learning About Managing Cash Flow” from the NY Times, Jay Goltz explains how a company can show profit without having cash on hand.

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Working capital management junk mail

This Is Not the Answer to Your Cash Flow Problems

I received a letter from a company that provides small business loans and financing. This company had been on my radar because of their less than stellar reputation.

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Struggling to make payroll

Payroll Due? Not Enough Cash? Here’s What You Can Do

You’re a business owner and tomorrow is payday. The checks that are supposed to cover payroll haven’t come in. On top of that, you had to purchase materials with what little cash you had on hand. You just couldn’t wait until after payday to get the materials you needed.

This is a situation familiar to many small business owners. And there’s an easier way to solve it without upsetting employees, clients, and vendors.

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Funding for B2B business

10 Reasons This Is a Better Way to Get B2B Small Business Funding You Need

You might be looking for working capital to grow your B2B business, get a little help to pay bills, or bring costs down by buying in bulk. Like most small businesses, cash flow fluctuates in yours. It always seems to work out that when you need more cash, it’s not available.

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Grow business with funding

What You Need to Know Before Pursuing Small Business Funding

Of course, you want to grow your B2B small business. That might be tricky to do if you’re like those businesses surveyed in Wasp Barcode’s State of Small Business Report. More than half of the respondents plan to invest fewer than 3 percent of their revenue on marketing. In this case, it should be no surprise why growing revenue is the No. 1 challenge for small businesses.

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