Category Archives: Grow business

Achieve business goals

8 Ways to Make Your Business and Life Better in the New Year

Turning the calendar from December to January compels most people to focus on new initiatives and doing things better such as diet, exercise, finances, and getting organized. Here’s the bad news. According to a University of Scranton study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 8 percent achieve their New Year’s resolution.

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Shed baggage for great New Year

How to Start the New Year with a Clean Slate

Upon completing their education, college students fall into one of two groups. Some graduate from college with large student loans needing to be paid. Those loans in addition to rent, food, and any others add up. They’ll start life after school weighed down by debt.

The other group will get their diplomas and leave college feeling lighter than ever. This group is about to begin the next phase of their lives with zero college debt.

Most students fall in the indebted group.

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Funding for B2B business

10 Reasons This Is a Better Way to Get B2B Small Business Funding You Need

You might be looking for working capital to grow your B2B business, get a little help to pay bills, or bring costs down by buying in bulk. Like most small businesses, cash flow fluctuates in yours. It always seems to work out that when you need more cash, it’s not available.

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Grow business with funding

What You Need to Know Before Pursuing Small Business Funding

Of course, you want to grow your B2B small business. That might be tricky to do if you’re like those businesses surveyed in Wasp Barcode’s State of Small Business Report. More than half of the respondents plan to invest fewer than 3 percent of their revenue on marketing. In this case, it should be no surprise why growing revenue is the No. 1 challenge for small businesses.

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Vintage bank

These 5 Things Could Cause Your Cash Flow Problems

According to the SBA, a company’s chances of survival is about 50 percent in the first five years. Babson University’s 2013 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor report says the top two reasons for going out of business are problems getting financing and business isn’t profitable. These two affected more than half of the businesses.

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