Category Archives: Business management

Get paid and grow business

6 Ways to Stop Worrying and Actually Get Paid on Time

The simple act of getting paid can take up a big chunk of small business owner’s time while pushing stress levels to new highs. Aside from exploring funding options to help with cash flow problems, businesses can put safeguards in place to stop wasting time on chasing down payments. With the time they regain, they’ll be able to do more business development.

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Attitude Wins Football Games

7 Ways to Boost Your Attitude to Make You Stand Out From the Competition

At NCAA football’s Alamo Bowl, Oregon was heading for a blow out as it led the game 31 to 0 at the half. Their opponent, nationally-ranked TCU, was a capable team. The team was most likely shaken up by the loss of their starting quarterback and key wide receiver.

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Takes two businesses to Tango

Buy a Company: 4 Steps That Will Actually Make You Successful

One of the fastest ways to start or grow your business is to buy a company. The right one can expand your offerings and broaden your customer base. There’s one downside. Buying a business takes resilience considering all the legal, taxes, paperwork, and licensing requirements involved. However, that’s nothing compared to trying to start a new business from scratch.

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Achieve business goals

8 Ways to Make Your Business and Life Better in the New Year

Turning the calendar from December to January compels most people to focus on new initiatives and doing things better such as diet, exercise, finances, and getting organized. Here’s the bad news. According to a University of Scranton study published in the Journal of Clinical Psychology, only 8 percent achieve their New Year’s resolution.

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Shed baggage for great New Year

How to Start the New Year with a Clean Slate

Upon completing their education, college students fall into one of two groups. Some graduate from college with large student loans needing to be paid. Those loans in addition to rent, food, and any others add up. They’ll start life after school weighed down by debt.

The other group will get their diplomas and leave college feeling lighter than ever. This group is about to begin the next phase of their lives with zero college debt.

Most students fall in the indebted group.

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